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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


getAddress() - Method in class requestLogic.CallerBack
getArgs() - Method in class commandManager.commands.AddCommand
getArgs() - Method in class commandManager.commands.AddIfMaxCommand
getArgs() - Method in class commandManager.commands.AddIfMinCommand
getArgs() - Method in interface commandManager.commands.BaseCommand
Base method for show command arguments
getArgs() - Method in class commandManager.commands.CountGreaterThanDistanceCommand
getArgs() - Method in class commandManager.commands.ExecuteScriptCommand
getArgs() - Method in class commandManager.commands.RemoveByIdCommand
getArgs() - Method in class commandManager.commands.RemoveGreaterCommand
getArgs() - Method in class commandManager.commands.UpdateCommand
getArguemnt() - Method in interface commandLogic.commandReceiverLogic.receivers.ExternalArgumentReceiver
getArguemnt() - Method in class commandManager.externalRecievers.ArgumentRouteCommandReceiver
getArgument() - Method in class requests.ArgumentCommandClientRequest
getAsText() - Method in class fileLogic.editors.DateEditor
getCallerBack() - Method in class requestLogic.StatusRequest
getCode() - Method in class requestLogic.StatusRequest
getCollection() - Method in interface models.handlers.CollectionHandler
Provides method for get collection.
getCollection() - Method in class models.handlers.RoutesHandler
Returns actual collection reference.
getCommandDescription() - Method in class requests.CommandClientRequest
getCommands() - Method in class commandManager.CommandDescriptionHolder
getCommands() - Method in class commandManager.CommandManager
Get all commands from manager.
getCommands() - Method in class responses.CommandDescriptionsResponse
getCommandsToExport() - Static method in class commandManager.CommandExporter
getConnection() - Method in class requestLogic.requests.ServerRequest
getCoordinates() - Method in class models.Route
Restrictions: Field cannot be null.
getCreationDate() - Method in class models.Route
Restrictions: Field cannot be null and the value of this field should be automatically generated.
getCurrentConnection() - Static method in class serverLogic.ServerConnectionHandler
getCustomEditor() - Method in class fileLogic.editors.DateEditor
getDeniedClient() - Method in exception exceptions.NotAvailableException
getDescr() - Method in class commandManager.commands.AddCommand
getDescr() - Method in class commandManager.commands.AddIfMaxCommand
getDescr() - Method in class commandManager.commands.AddIfMinCommand
getDescr() - Method in interface commandManager.commands.BaseCommand
Base method for show command description.
getDescr() - Method in class commandManager.commands.ClearCommand
getDescr() - Method in class commandManager.commands.CountGreaterThanDistanceCommand
getDescr() - Method in class commandManager.commands.ExecuteScriptCommand
getDescr() - Method in class commandManager.commands.ExitCommand
getDescr() - Method in class commandManager.commands.HelpCommand
getDescr() - Method in class commandManager.commands.InfoCommand
getDescr() - Method in class commandManager.commands.MinByCreationDateCommand
getDescr() - Method in class commandManager.commands.PrintFieldDistanceAscendingCommand
getDescr() - Method in class commandManager.commands.RemoveByIdCommand
getDescr() - Method in class commandManager.commands.RemoveGreaterCommand
getDescr() - Method in class commandManager.commands.SaveCommand
getDescr() - Method in class commandManager.commands.ShowCommand
getDescr() - Method in class commandManager.commands.UpdateCommand
getDistance() - Method in class models.Route
Restrictions: The value of this field should be greater than 1.
getFirstOrNew() - Method in interface models.handlers.CollectionHandler
Provides method for fast getting first element.
getFirstOrNew() - Method in class models.handlers.RoutesHandler
Returns first element of collection.
getFrom() - Method in class models.Route
Restrictions: Field can be null.
getFrom() - Method in class requestLogic.requests.ServerRequest
getId() - Method in class models.Route
Restrictions: Field cannot be null.
getInitDate() - Method in interface models.handlers.CollectionHandler
Provides method for get collection initDate.
getInitDate() - Method in class models.handlers.RoutesHandler
getInputStream() - Method in class requestLogic.StatusRequest
getInstance() - Static method in class clientLogic.ClientHandler
getInstance() - Static method in class commandManager.CommandDescriptionHolder
getInstance() - Static method in class models.handlers.RouteIDHandler
getInstance() - Static method in class models.handlers.RoutesHandler
Singletone moment.
getJavaInitializationString() - Method in class fileLogic.editors.DateEditor
getLastElement() - Method in interface models.handlers.CollectionHandler
Provides method for getting last element.
getLastElement() - Method in class models.handlers.RoutesHandler
Returns last element of collection.
getLineArgs() - Method in class requests.CommandClientRequest
getLockState() - Method in class serverLogic.UdpConnectionBlockDecorator
getMax(Comparator<E>) - Method in interface models.handlers.CollectionHandler
Gets max element by given comparator
getMax(Comparator<Route>) - Method in class models.handlers.RoutesHandler
Gets max element by given comparator
getMin(Comparator<E>) - Method in interface models.handlers.CollectionHandler
Gets min element by given comparator
getMin(Comparator<Route>) - Method in class models.handlers.RoutesHandler
Gets min element by given comparator
getMsg() - Method in class responses.ErrorResponse
getName() - Method in class commandLogic.CommandDescription
getName() - Method in class commandManager.commands.AddCommand
getName() - Method in class commandManager.commands.AddIfMaxCommand
getName() - Method in class commandManager.commands.AddIfMinCommand
getName() - Method in interface commandManager.commands.BaseCommand
Base method for show command name
getName() - Method in class commandManager.commands.ClearCommand
getName() - Method in class commandManager.commands.CountGreaterThanDistanceCommand
getName() - Method in class commandManager.commands.ExecuteScriptCommand
getName() - Method in class commandManager.commands.ExitCommand
getName() - Method in class commandManager.commands.HelpCommand
getName() - Method in class commandManager.commands.InfoCommand
getName() - Method in class commandManager.commands.MinByCreationDateCommand
getName() - Method in class commandManager.commands.PrintFieldDistanceAscendingCommand
getName() - Method in class commandManager.commands.RemoveByIdCommand
getName() - Method in class commandManager.commands.RemoveGreaterCommand
getName() - Method in class commandManager.commands.SaveCommand
getName() - Method in class commandManager.commands.ShowCommand
getName() - Method in class commandManager.commands.UpdateCommand
getName() - Method in class models.Location
Restrictions: Field cannot be null.
getName() - Method in class models.Route
Restrictions: Field cannot be null.
getNextID() - Method in class models.handlers.RouteIDHandler
getPort() - Method in class requestLogic.CallerBack
getReceiver() - Method in class commandLogic.CommandDescription
getReceivers() - Method in class commandLogic.commandReceiverLogic.handlers.ArgumentReceiverHandler
getReceivers() - Method in class commandLogic.commandReceiverLogic.handlers.NonArgReceiversHandler
getReceivers() - Method in class commandLogic.commandReceiverLogic.handlers.ReceiverHandler
getReceivers(ReceiverType) - Method in class commandLogic.commandReceiverLogic.ReceiverManager
getResponse() - Method in class commandManager.commands.AddCommand
getResponse() - Method in class commandManager.commands.AddIfMaxCommand
getResponse() - Method in class commandManager.commands.AddIfMinCommand
getResponse() - Method in interface commandManager.commands.BaseCommand
Base method for get command Output
getResponse() - Method in class commandManager.commands.ClearCommand
getResponse() - Method in class commandManager.commands.CountGreaterThanDistanceCommand
getResponse() - Method in class commandManager.commands.ExecuteScriptCommand
getResponse() - Method in class commandManager.commands.ExitCommand
getResponse() - Method in class commandManager.commands.HelpCommand
getResponse() - Method in class commandManager.commands.InfoCommand
getResponse() - Method in class commandManager.commands.MinByCreationDateCommand
getResponse() - Method in class commandManager.commands.PrintFieldDistanceAscendingCommand
getResponse() - Method in class commandManager.commands.RemoveByIdCommand
getResponse() - Method in class commandManager.commands.RemoveGreaterCommand
getResponse() - Method in class commandManager.commands.SaveCommand
getResponse() - Method in class commandManager.commands.ShowCommand
getResponse() - Method in class commandManager.commands.UpdateCommand
getResponse() - Method in class responses.CommandStatusResponse
getSorted() - Method in interface models.handlers.CollectionHandler
Provides method for getting sorted variant of collection.
getSorted() - Method in class models.handlers.RoutesHandler
getStatusCode() - Method in class responses.CommandStatusResponse
getTags() - Method in class fileLogic.editors.DateEditor
getTo() - Method in class models.Route
Restrictions: Field can be null.
getUserRequest() - Method in class requestLogic.requests.ServerRequest
getValue() - Method in class fileLogic.editors.DateEditor
getX() - Method in class models.Coordinates
Restrictions: The value of this field should be greater than -107.
getX() - Method in class models.Location
No restrictions.
getY() - Method in class models.Coordinates
Restrictions: Field cannot be null and the value of this field should be greater than -39.
getY() - Method in class models.Location
Restrictions: Field cannot be null.
getZ() - Method in class models.Location
Restrictions: Field cannot be null.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form